Before I begin I would like to apologize for my previous entry. I didn't really put much effort or even thought into it so it came out completely different from what I had in mind. I just want to put this out here and now so all of you can be familiar with who I am and what I stand for. Of course with every passing entry you will come to know me better.
I am a very serious individual. I always try to be, especially with my work. I came off as a slacker last time and I don't want people to think of me that way. I was only trying to be funny in order to intrigue anyone in reading what I have to say on this Journal. but it seems I used a very dull and dry sense of humor. It was forced and I don't like that. If I want to be funny it will come naturally to me when I write. OK, enough of that. I think that cleared up some things.
So let's talk about Writing(yes I will write it with a capital letter because it's important). "Writing is the representation of a language put into a textual medium through the use of a certain set of symbols." That's actually what Wikipedia says about the subject with it's very first sentence. And it's spot on. To put in a simpler way we use Writing to put our understanding of a given language into words. I am amazed how great writers use it not as a tool but an extension of the soul. To share complex opinions for everyone to see and put all their heart and soul into their work. Whether their readers understand it or not, in most cases, is not up to the writers themselves. But the best writers can actually form very complex sentences and yet explain themselves in a simple manner that most people can understand, without breaking the flow of writing.
So Writing is an art, science and discipline. So why do I like writing? Well most of what I said in the top paragraph gives a reasonable explanation. But there's so much more to it. I love it because I can create with it. I can conjure entire worlds just by a slight movement of my right hand. Looking it this way, Writing sounds like an epic adventure. Well to me it is but I am very big devotee to this art, science etc. What about most people? What do they think of Writing? How do they use it?
Well, these days they use writing in order to connect with each other through text messages, chat programs like the infinitely famous Skype, MSN and others. So has writing been dumb down because of the new age of technology? Well, no. Writing is still the same as it used to be. Only less popular in it's purest form.
Most people don't know how to write properly, even on an average level. I myself am a poor writer(in more ways than one). But I at least try hard in order to put my thoughts and opinions in a textual format. I wouldn't say that Writing is a dying breed, but it's not the way it used to be. There were very few writers back in the day and it was considered a profession for the most creative and imaginative. There's a reason I named this blog/journal "Imagination". Because imagination is the border in which one can create through writing. And it is limitless. Now we can see "professional" writers everywhere. Tell me, if they are so "professional" why do they waste their skills writing gossip about celebrities? Is it that prestigious? I don't think so...
There are a lot of problems with Writing and writers these days. It is being comercialized and abused as an art form. Becoming more of a tool for the everyman. This is the second biggest reason why I want to improve my writing. To make a change. Of course music and the other mediums are going through a similar phase and I do hope people are trying to change that as well. Let's not make writing into something trivial and shallow but show how great it is. I will certainly do that. Until next time...